
Would you like to sponsor the next edition of the most important event about software development with Python? Contact the organization right now by email at sponsors@2024.es.pycon.org or from the contact form. To know all the advantages that our different levels of sponsorship you can download the information brochure:

Advantages Cíes Ons Sálvora Cortegada
Price 6.500 € 4.750 € 3.200 € 1.000 €
Tickets included(2) 6(+2) 3(+1) 2 1
Logo on the website
Gift in the welcome pack
Brochure in the welcome pack
Stand(3) 2,4 m x 3,2 m 1,2 m x 2,00 m 1,2 m x 2,00 m
Logo on posters
Logo during breaks
Posting on social networks
Job offers
Logo on the newsletter(4)
Sponsored talk
Thanks live
Ad on the program
Press release(4)
Sponsored workshop
Hiring session
Promotional video Twice a day Once on the weekend
  • (1)The number of sponsorships is limited (except Cortegada level). The organization reserves the right to modify this amount as appropriate, always in the interest of the conference.
  • (2)Cíes: 2 tickets, one for the sponsored talk and one for the sponsored workshop. Tickets are only granted if the talk and workshop are given, respectively.

    Ons: 1 ticket for the sponsored talk. The ticket is only granted if the talk is given.

  • (3)The measurements of the stand are indicative.
  • (4)Appearance on physical printed media subject to its production.


Add-on Description Price Quantity
Room sponsorship A room has your company name. It will appear on all brochures, documents, and notices. In addition, you can place roll-ups inside the room throughout the weekend. 1.000 € 0 / 4
Coffee Breaks During all the coffee breaks, we will advertise you! There will be everything from roll-ups and thank you messages to anything you, as a company, want to participate in: napkins with logo, cups, etc 1.000 € 1 saturday / 1 sunday
Streaming Sponsorship Did you see how cool last year’s videos turned out? Now image your logo appearing while it’s live.. Cool, huh? 500 € 0 / 3
Grants Sponsorship Help us to finance trips so that even more people can attend PyConES! For each grant awarded, you will be mentioned in a special way both during the event and in the messages exchanged with the recipients. 300 € 0 / 7
Playroom(1) More and more, little ones are coming to the event! We want to build a space where they are comfortable and have all the necessary attention. !Help us achieve it! 500 € 0 / 1
Nursing room Because we don’t forget about all the moms who attend the event, and surely you neither. Help us build an inclusive environment with everything necessary for them to feel comfortable! 500 € 1 / 1
Hackathon You provide the idea, and we give the prizes. Do you love technical challenges? Are you a company that seeks to learn while people have fun and team up? Sponsor this year’s hackathon and collaborate with your idea and technology. The organization will take care of spreading the world and finding people and gifts. 1000 € 1 / 1
Django Girls workshop Collaborate with this massive workshop with participants of all kinds! Gain great visibility with your roll-ups and a personalized thank you. 1500 € 1 / 2
Concert Do you like music? We love it! Be the sponsor that gives us a concert. Place your roll-ups in the thick of it when everyone is participating. 500 € 0 / 1
  • (1)Playroom subject to availability - if there is a company willing to collaborate by providing the necessary materials to set up the playroom, they will be given priority.
  • (2)The logo will appear alongside the logos of the association and the organizing community. It is possible that your logo will not appear on the business tickets.

Your sponsorship

I authorize the Asociación Python España (VAT G86766821) to use the data provided here for internal purposes during the organization and development of the PyConES 2024 event. The data will be treated by the Asociación Python España with the utmost confidentiality, in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, and following the Recommendations and Instructions issued by the Spanish Data Protection Agency (A.E.P.D.). To exercise your ARCO rights, please write to contacto@es.python.org.