
This year, PyConEs will be held in the city of Vigo, Spain, at the prestigious Auditorium Mar de Vigo.

Located in the heart of Vigo, this venue boasts a seafront location, offering stunning views of the Cíes Islands and the expansive sea of Vigo.

El Auditorio Mar de Vigo es celebrado no solo por su brillantez arquitectónica sino también por sus instalaciones de vanguardia, haciéndolo un escenario ideal para la conferencia de Python más importante de España.

Auditorio Mar de Vigo

Organización de la Conferencia

Welcome reception and registration

Location: Multipurpose Room - 3rd floor:
  • La Conferencia se llevará a cabo en el 3er piso, el más alto del edificio, junto a la Terraza sobre el estuario del Auditorio Mar De Vigo.
  • Hay diferentes niveles de acceso al 3er piso del edificio.
  • El Auditorio es bastante reciente y cuenta con ascensores desde el nivel de la calle hasta el último piso o puedes optar por usar las escaleras.


We are dedicated to making our conference accessible to everyone. Find details and resources here. Need more information or specific accommodations? Contact us at contacto@2024.es.pycon.org

Inclusive Conference

  • Accesibilidad para sillas de ruedas: Tanto el lugar como el auditorio Mar De Vigo tienen accesibilidad en silla de ruedas a todos los espacios de la conferencia.
  • Acceso sin escalones: Tienes acceso sin escalones a todas las áreas de la conferencia.
  • Ascensores: Mar De Vigo tiene ascensores que son accesibles y operativos durante la conferencia.

Low vision or hearing difficulties

Preferred seating will be provided for attendees who request it. Please contact us about any lighting requirements you may have, and we will do our best to accommodate them.

Other spaces at the venue

The auditorium has its own catering service, known for its tasteful cuisine.
  • Coffe break
  • Almuerzos de trabajo
Auditorio Mar de Vigo

Dietary requirements

We are committed to meeting all your dietary needs. When purchasing your ticket, you will have the opportunity to specify any dietary preferences or restrictions in detail.

Did we forget something?

We want your experience to be the best it can be! If there is anything we haven't thought of that would help you attend our event, please let us know!

More information

  • Auditorium Mar de Vigo and Congress Palace is about a 15-minute drive from Peinador Airport.
  • Vigo Airport has a taxi rank. The fare from the airport to the Congress Palace/Vigo city center is fixed and is around €21.
  • Vigo Airport has a bus stop served by line C9A, which has a stop very close to the Congress Palace. More information at:
  • The Congress Palace offers parking services. (Check rates per minute)
  • More information at: Official website auditorium .