We are looking for diverse talks about both technical and non-technical topics. We want talks for all skill levels from both new and experienced speakers.
If you are wondering if you can do this, the answer is yes. If you are interested in a topic, we are interested as well.
Tips for your proposal
We want to encourage people with different levels of experience in giving talks to participate in this conference. We know that, for first-timers, presenting an idea that reflects every cool detail about your talk can be confusing.
It is important that you present your idea clearly, and that you are available to answer any feedback that the people reviewing your proposal might have.
Abstract layout
A simple layout that you could follow is to cover the following aspects in your proposal:
Context for your talk or problem
Definition of the problem
Why is it important to find a solution to that problem?
What will be covered, and what will attendees learn?
Prerequisites or additional comments about your talk
Avoid abstracts with 1-2 lines that repeat the idea already featured in the title, and try and include aspects that make your proposal special and unique.
Types of proposals
Talks: 35 min (30 min + 5 min QA)
Workshops: up to 90 min
If your workshops takes more or less time, tell the organization so that they can take it into account when designing the program. This will allow us to create a diverse program that fits into the three days of the conference.
We value proposals:
- With a social focus
- Hops between different professional fields
- Or just about your experience using Python and its impact in your life
There are no limits for topics as long as they are related to Python. Here are some ideas:
Web development
Analysis, engineering, and data science
DevOps / system administration / automation scripts
Machine learning and artificial intelligence
Desktop apps
Internet of things
Security and networks
Mobile apps, multimedia, embedded
Community, society and culture
And many more!
Questions or feedback?
Our team is here to help you. If you have any question or feedback, do not hesitate to contact us at charlas@2024.es.pycon.org . We are committed to make of PyConES 2024 an inclusive, attractive and unforgettable event for everyone.
See you in Vigo!
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